Senin, 03 Maret 2014

On Board Transfer In

Ladies and gentleman, Have you all been here ? Anybody left? So , all of you are 30 person right?.
Now, please make your sit comfortable. If you have some question or problem when I’m speaking or during our transfer in, please let me know don’t be hesitate. Now I would like to introduce our team. This is Mr. Ahmad as our Driver (Selamat pagi pak.Ahmad). And this is Mr. Joko as our C.O driver (Selamat pagi Pak Joko). Well, before we starting this journey let’s pray together based on your belifed, pray begin ... finish. ( Baik pak Ahmad sekarang kita bisa berangkat).
Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to our program. And now we are leaving from Cakrabuana Airport. And as I told you before, our program will go to Santika Hotel.  This is 3 stars hotel. It’s location on downtown and it’s about 40 minutes from here. Well everyone to make easy our program, so I just recommend you to fit your time with the local time here. It’s 10 o’clock. I would repeat, it’s 10 o’clock. Have you finish? Thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever visited  Indonesia before ? Okay, don’t worry because I’ll tell you about Indonesia. Indonesia located in Asian continent especially in South East Asia. Indonesia wedged in by two ocean there are Hindia Ocean and Pasific Ocean.  As we now, Indonesia is tropical country. So, Indonesia has two season. There are rainy season and dry season. Rainy season usually start from September until March and dry season usually start from April until August. And now is rainy season. So, I just remaind you, if you want go out from hotel, please bring umbrella, raincoat, or something like that. But as we know because change of climate, so the season can’t predict anymore.
Ussualy the temperature in Indonesia around 30-33 degree celcius. But now is rainy season so don’t worry about the temperature here because isn’t high like dry season.
Ladies and gentlemen, Indonesia has different time from GMT. Indonesia divided into three time zone area from GMT. There are +07.00 or WIB (western Indonesian area), +08.00 or WITA (Midle Indonesian Area) and +09.00 or WIT (Eastrn Indonesian Area). And the different time of them is one hours. And we use WIB, because we are in Weastren Indonesia Area.
Every body, Indonesia is a republic government system and lead by a president. The president choose by citizenry, because Indonesia is a democracy country. And now Indonesia lead by president the name is Mr.SusiloBambangYudhoyono and vice president Mr. Budiono. The capital of Indonesia is Jakarta.
Each country has a currency. Because currency is one of the identity of a nation. And the currency in Indonesia is Rupiah. Indonesia has two kinds of money. There are bill and coin. And this is the sample of Indonesian money.(Menunjukan gambar uang). For bill start from one thousand, two thousand, five thousand, ten thousand, twenty thousand, fivety thousand and one hundred thousand. And from coin strart from a hundred, two hundred, five hundred and a thousand. And You can change your money in many changer or in the bank around your hotel. For one dollar around 11.000 thousand rupiah. So if you want to buy something please use rupiah.
Ladies and gentlemen, Indonesia is the biggest archipelago country, right? Because, Indonesia has around 17.000 islands which has name and around 25.000 islands which didn’t has name. Indonesia has 5 mind islands there are Sumatera, Kalimantan, Java, Sulawesi, and Papua Island. Indonesia has 34 provinces. And now we are in the  Java island especially West java Province.
West java located between Banten, Jakarta and Central Java province. The capital of West Java is Bandung. In West Java, there are 26 regency and municipalities. One of them is Cirebon.
Everybody, Cirebon is located between West Java and Central Java. In West Java, Cirebon is bordered by Kuningan, Majalengka, and Indramayu regency. In Central Java, it’s bordered by Brebes regency.
Every body, Cirebon is called and popular with kota udang or the city of shrimp. Because, the name of cirebon came from “Ci or cai” means water and “rebon” means small shrimp. But, every body in other version says Cirebon name’s is taken from “caruban” means campuran or mixed. Because in Cirebon there are some etnic and some tribes such as Javanese tribe, sundanese tribe, arabic, and chinese tribe.
Every body, formely, Cirebon was an islamic kingdom. It’s ruled by Sultan or king which is we usually called Sunan. The first king who ruled is Raden walangsungsang. Then, continued by his cousin, namely is Syekh Syarif Hidayatullah or Sunan Gunung jati. Sunan Gunung jati is one of wali songo from west java. Do you know walisongo? Walisongo is the first person who spread Islam in java island. Ladies and Gentlement, in the past time cirebon lead by king, but now Cirebon is lead by mayor and region. Because cirebon is divided into two, there are cirebon city and cirebon manucipalicity.
Everybody, the population of Cirebon around 3 million people, and most of them are javanese. And as I told you before in cirebon there are some etnic, so that in cirebon city also there are some language. Majority of west java people speak sundanese but majority of cirebon people speak cirebon language. At least, they have own language. This language is mixed of sundanese and javanese, for example is “punten”. Would you follow me to say “punten”. That’s good (pointed some one to do a pratice). Thank you.
Everybody, in english punten means excuse me. And cirebon people sometime said that when they walking in front of people and you should bow your body. Like this. And the answer is mangga. The custom in Cirebon people there are:
·         If want to give and receive something by right hand and it is not respectfull is give and receive by left hand.
·         If meet with people who be familiar always shake hands.
·         The majority Cirebon people is muslim. So, don’t be panic if you are heare voice of adzan. Because, that is the pray time of muslim people.
·         Majority of Cirebon people is muslim, so make effect for style, especially for woman use viel to cover her part of the body that is head.
If you want to go out for travelling or buy something you can go by public transportation such as : angkot and becak. Becak is traditional transportation of Indonesia, especially in Cirebon. Becak is unique because it’s has 3 wheel, and the driver is behind the becak and steering by human. And capacity of becak just 2 person. and about the price is around 5000 for one km. And the tarif of angkot around 3.000.
Ladies and gentlement, cirebon people has different job in many area. For example in the north of cirebon is beach. So, most of people is fishermen. And the people in trusmi, they make batik for their job because trusmi is the central batik in cirebon. And now, I will show you example for batik cirebon. This is batik mega mendung, the most famous motiv from batik cirebon.

Cirebon has many traditional food such as nasi jamblang, empal gentong, docang, tahu gejrot, and other. Some food has a history behind the name, for example is nasi jamblang. Jamblang rice is a rice who in pack with jati leaves. Nasi jamblang it has been there since long time ago, precisely when holland colonialism age.The dishes is served with prasmanan system, so you can choose whatever you want to eat. This is picture of nasi jamblang. It’s so delicious, are you interested for trying nasi jamblang? Don’t worry, tomorrow we will have lunch with Nasi jamblang.
And if you want to call your family or your friends from Indonesia, you can dial 001 then your country code then your local area code, after that your phone number. And now you can call your family or your friends in your country.
Ladies and gentleman, now we there are in Jalan Wahidin and not long from here we will arrive in Santika Hotel. So that, please prepare yourself. Please get off from the bus carrefully and don’t forget your personal bellonging. Main your step main your head pelase.

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